Puketapu School

Our Board

The Board Of Trustees The Puketapu School Board of Trustees consists of five parent elected trustees – Emma Patel, Scott Mackie, Rebecca Symmonds Ashlee Sullivan and Alice King . Our staff elected trustee Baz Hodgetts and our principal, Sam Hocking, also sit on the board.

The Board is responsible for the governance of the school and meets each month to discuss matters such as the school's strategic direction, finances, property, administration, health and safety, curriculum and providing quality education.

If you have an interest and want to know more please contact one of our trustees. Emma Patel BOT Chairperson

Policies and Procedures:

Please visit https://puketapuhb.schooldocs.co.nz/ to access our policies and procedures and use the school log in details.

Username: puketapuhb

Password: Puke708


Our latest ERO Report can be found here: https://ero.govt.nz/institution/2654/puketapu-school-hawkes-bay

Annual Report

Our 2023 Annual report can be viewed here.