Puketapu School

What is PB4L?

(Positive Behaviour For Learning)

Manaakitanga - Whanaungatanga - Rangatiratanga

Caring - Connected - Learners

Positive Behaviour For Learning School Wide (PB4L) is a framework that supports the teaching and learning of desired behaviours. It is firmly aligned with the New Zealand Curriculum and aims to foster a culture within schools where positive behaviour and learning are a way of life. At Puketapu we call this the 'Puketapu Way'.

At Puketapu School, PB4L enables us to work together as a whole-school community to create environments, systems and practices that support children to make positive behaviour choices. The PB4L framework supports our vision – 'Ako Tahi Tatou' - 'Learning Together' and supports the teaching of our values. We are a school that has high expectations and honours a positive learning environment for all our students, and PB4L is a programme that helps us to put this high on all our priorities.

In 2024, the school community worked together to construct a whole-school behaviour matrix, and establish and implement school-wide behaviour systems and routines.

Each fortnight we have a behaviour focus from our expectations matrix (linked below), this includes a schoolwide lesson explaining what the expected behaviour looks like, sounds like and feels like and how it benefits our school community. Students receive praise and a PPP (Positive Puketapu Praise) ticket when displaying our school expectations and double rewards for displaying the fortnightly focus. Every PPP token earns house points and a chance to win a prize at assembly.

PB4L Resources

Behaviour Expectations Matrix

Behaviour Flowchart